Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some alternatives to Google to search the Web

If you searching the with Google and obsessed for not finding the right information you are searching for there. What you gotta do next. Well relax ! nothing to worry, there are some alternatives too which helps you in finding the right information on web apart from the mighty Google. a human search engine helps you by providing reviews and comments on Web sites thereby bringing up more relevant results. Mahalo means which means "thank you" in Hawaiian employs human editors to review websites and write search engine results pages that include text listings, as well as other media, such as photos and video into its directory. Mahalo's aims at improving its search quality by eliminating search spam from low-quality websites, such as those that have excessive advertising, distribute malware, or engage in phishing scams. For More information visit Mahalo If you are using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo to search for people it may work in some cases and in some cases it won't. Here, The most comprehensive people search on the web helps you in finding yours lost relative, an old flame, a classmate or a business contact. Pipl's query-engine helps to find deeper web pages that cannot be found with regular search engines. If you are not convinced yet you may give it a try to know it better. a search engine and community site for wine lovers helps to find deeper content by using topic specific search engines which are known as vertical-interest sites.

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