Friday, January 2, 2009

Marissa Mayer To Leave Google?

Gawker reports that Marissa Mayer Google’s 19th employee, the glamor nerd will be saying goodbye to the company in 2009. She just got engaged to Zack Bogue, a property manager and lawyer.

Mayer, who now works as vice president of search products and user experience, joined Google from Stanford's computer science department in 1999 as one of the company's first female engineer. Mayer has been been awarded with the Centennial Teaching Award and the Forsythe Award. She also works as a part-time introductory computer programming teacher at Stanford.

Gawker reports that "Top Googlers, overheard at a holiday party, chattered about Marissa's departure as a matter of if, not when". Google which has lost many of its major executives in the past, if now loses Marissa, will this be going to be a biggest loss to it?. Well these all seems to be just rumor's for now as Google has not commented on the Gawker story yet.

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