Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Add Favicons to yours Blog

Favicon is basically a tiny 16x16 .ico graphic file which is displayed in the browser address bar, browser tabs, links bar, favorites menu, and also on your blogs feed in RSS readers. While most of the favicons are static images, some new browsers are now supporting animated GIF's and the PNG formats.

One can create a favicon in an icon editor software or can generate it online. A Favicon is actually short for "Favourite Icon" and serves as a sort of symbol for yours site. Based on yours priority you can also make an animated favicon or a scrolling favicon which scrolls your blog title one letter at a time.

To make one online a free favicon generator google it where you can find lot of softwares to generate it online. Ex: Microangelo Icon Editor is used to crate professional looking aqua style 3d icons

Once you are done with making a favicon download the favicon to your PC upload the icon file to a free server like Googlesites(earlier Googlepages). Copy down the URL of the icon at Googlesites.

Now login to the Dashboard of yours blog and go to the Edit Html section under the Template section. Now Copy the following code just below < title >.....< /title > tags

< link rel="shortcut icon" href="URL OF YOUR ICON AT your GOOGLESITES" / >
Thats it ..U r Done with the favicon to yours blog!!

Dont forget to Save the Template before viewing the change. If you are not able to view the changes still, Refresh the Cache and view blog.

To generate an animated favicon add the following code in the same position :
< link rel="shortcut icon" href="URL OF YOUR ICON AT your GOOGLESITES" / >
< link rel="icon" href="URL OF YOUR ICON AT your GOOGLESITES" type="image/gif" / >

Save the Template now and publish.

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